Simply Giving



By participating in the Simply Giving Program (preauthorized automatic electronic donations), members insure that St John Lutheran Church is able to meet its financial obligations even during times of the year when members are typically on vacation.  This authorization carries no risk to the donor.**  If you wish to cancel, change, or even reverse a transaction, this can be accomplished with a phone call to the church or the Financial Secretary.  In this circumstance, please contact the church at least 3 days before the scheduled withdrawal.

 Members who wish to participate in the offering collection during the worship service can write “Simply Giving” on their envelope and put it (empty) into the collection plate.

Please click here to print the Authorization Form

If you have increased your pledge in 2014, please remember to submit an amended Simply Giving Authorization form to the parish office. You may find a copy of the Simply Giving Authorization Form here. Authorization Form

2014 Giving Statements  
The last batch of 2014 Giving Statements were mailed on January 21. If you didn't receive your statement, please contact John Vogt at  - -